28 mar 2019

Embed Instagram profile on website

Instagram Widget Demo

This is a demo for Instagram widget that allows you to embed any Instagram profile on your website or blog


You just need to place the following HTML code wherever you want to place the widget on your site and replace <username> by the corresponding username that you want to load. The widget can be placed many times
<script src="instagramWidget.js"></script>
<div id="instaWidget" data-username="<username>">
    <a href="https://instagram.com/<username>/">Profile on Instagram</a>


A BOT for Instagram?

Yes, imagine a bot for Instagram that let you get clickable links of the text links placed below some posts on Instagram (and more cool things such as download storys or view full size profile pictures), well discover everything that Gimme can help you.


This widget was developed by Mariano Paulin. Feel free use it under MIT license and contribute to the GitHub repo

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